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Touch at A Distance: Language, Music, Sound
This 2007 Radiolab episode takes the listener, "on a tour of language, music, and the properties of sound. We look at what sound does to our bodies, our brains, our feelings and we go back to the reason we at Radiolab tell you stories the way we do. First, we look at Diana Deutsch's work on language and music, and how certain languages seem to promote musicality in humans. Then we meet Psychologis... posted on Sep 28 2023, 1,341 reads


Saying Hi to the Moon
"Lots of times I talk with him. Especially when he gets big and I can see the expression on his face. 'Hi, Moon!' I say, so happy to see him always, 'What's up?'" Jane Wodening is an American artist, writer and the mother of five grown children. She spent ten years living alone, "in a tiny cabin with no amenities at ten thousand feet altitude...During this time I played and thought and hiked, enjo... posted on Sep 27 2023, 3,177 reads


Relational Neuroscience & Art: A Love Story
"I want to tell you a love story. It spans 20 years. A woman exploring tide pools was approached by a 24-legged sunflower sea star who came out of the sea grass, touching her shoe and exploring her pant leg. The woman fell in love with that beautiful creature, and it changed her life forever. The woman is me, an artist, psychotherapist, and student of Relational Neuroscience and Interpersonal Ne... posted on Sep 26 2023, 3,227 reads


Jeffrey Bale: The World Needs Beauty
"Jeffrey Bale received his degree in landscape architecture from the University of Oregon back in 1981. He quickly landed a job at a Portland architecture firm -- but he only lasted 20 minutes behind a desk. Instead, he began traveling the world, finding inspiration in the stunning architecture of Europe and SE Asia. He returned home and began creating elaborate and intricate pebble mosaics from s... posted on Sep 25 2023, 2,457 reads


Willing to Be Dazzled
"I decided to visit my friend Aristotle, who lives in a house on a hill at the west end of the ranch. We sampled various kinds of cookies and sipped decaffeinated green tea, and we vented, kvetched, and rhapsodized, as we are prone to do. Mostly kvetched, if the truth be told. Aristotle just turned ninety, and I seek the wisdom of an elder from him, but he is too modest to admit he has acquired an... posted on Sep 24 2023, 3,069 reads


3 Steps to Build Peace & Create Change
As the child of Holocaust survivors and a World War II refugee herself, peace builder Georgette Bennett was stunned by the human toll and tragedy of the Syrian civil war. She got to work, bringing together historical enemies to build an aid pipeline from Israel to Syria -- a feat many considered impossible, but she and her organization -- the Multi-faith Alliance for Syrian refugees -- has since h... posted on Sep 23 2023, 1,561 reads


Beyond Beauty: A Conversation with Paul Reynard
"My own experience is that there are moments when suddenly, after I've been working a long time at painting, I'm no longer trying to make or do something. I begin to be led, as if my brush were just following where the painting in its finished state was leading me. At that point I am open to something which most of the time I am unable to express, because I want to direct it. I want to make it mys... posted on Sep 22 2023, 1,254 reads


Hummingbirds & the Ecstatic Moment
"Birds have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and hummingbirds have held a special place in my heart for the simple reason that they, early on, became personal to me. On some level, you could say I became a writer because of hummingbirds, and they have appeared in my fiction since I was very young. How to make sense of life, especially during childhood? Sometimes, what moves yo... posted on Sep 20 2023, 873 reads


An Antidote to the Age of Anxiety
In his 1951 book, "The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety," Alan Watts writes, "There is a contradiction in wanting to be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity. But the contradiction lies a little deeper than the mere conflict between the desire for security and the fact of change. If I want to be secure, that is, protected from the flux ... posted on Sep 19 2023, 4,105 reads


Janet Adler: Into the Light
Janet Adler (1941-2023) is the founder of the Discipline of Authentic Movement, and the author of "Offering from the Conscious Body. A book that delves into the, "theory and practice of a unique body-based process that is cathartic, creative, healing, and mystical...This Western awareness practice encourages the individual to experience the evolving relationship with oneself, another, the collecti... posted on Sep 18 2023, 4,242 reads


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The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.
Richard Moss

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